Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Naturale Spotlight: Mae
Photo of Mae now with a chunky two-strand
twist out that was pinned up into a faux fro-hawk
(watch her video creating the style here!)
Share your transitioning story!
Well my transitioning journey was interesting since I've actually gone through it twice! Let me explain... So I started my first transitioning journey around October of '08 and it lasted for four months. Prior to that, I had long relaxed hair that had been that way since I was 6! ! However, at that fourth month of my transition, I couldn't take the two different textures anymore and decided to relax my hair with the "creamy crack"! I immediately regretted my decision though and started reading natural hair care blogs and started watching the plethora of YouTube videos of women who were making the transition from relaxed hair to natural hair successfully! That gave me the ammunition to start my SECOND transition journey, which also lasted four months but this time ended with the BIG CHOP on July 22, 2009 : ) I found that the key during my successful transition journey was not being afraid to work with styles that didn't require heat like flexi-rod sets, bantu knots,etc.
When did you BC? What was your initial reaction to your newly au naturale hair?
I BC'ed on July 22, 2009! (I honestly can't believe that it has been more than 5 months since that date now!!). My initial reaction was literally "" over and over again as I looked in the mirror. I had never seen myself with that little hair before, but it grew on me literally the next day! I actually have live footage from my Big Chop event that you can see HERE!.
This is Mae on the day of her Big Chop!!
July 22nd, 2009
Why did you choose to go naturale?
I decided to transition for several reasons. I have two younger sisters who made the transition to natural and I saw how healthy their hair had become after going completely natural. I also had recently moved away for grad school, and the area that I moved to charged an arm & a leg for relaxers, so that monetary issue definitely helped the push for going natural ,lol : )
Were you a long term or short term transitioner, and why?
I was a short term transitioner (4 months) because as I started seeing my healthy, naturally coily roots peeking through under the relaxed hair...I couldn't wait any longer!
What do you wish you knew before you went natural?
Since I had two "tries" at this, I really learned everything I think I needed at that point before I did the Big Chop. However, I would recommend to anyone to thoroughly research about the natural hair journey before you embark, so you don't have to go through a transitioning experience like mine! There are TONS of resources online from blogs to YouTube channels that are all dedicated to helping you along on your own journey!
What was your transitioning routine?
I didn't really have a routine since I was constantly trying out new styles. You can see some of the styles that I tried HERE. During my transition period though, I made sure to steer clear away from shampoos with sulfates (and started co-washing) and also stuck to styles that required minimal to no heat. It was during this time that shea butter became my BEST friend ,lol. It really helped to seal moisture in my hair and I loved that it was a product I could use both on my hair and my skin!
This photo is one of Mae's transitioning styles with a pin-up
after a flexi-rod set.
How did you moisturize your hair to prevent breakage at the new growth line?
Again, I made sure to use products that wouldn't remove the necessary oils from my hair to cause over-drying like sulfate-based shampoos. When I would finish washing, I would massage my hair with natural oils like jojoba oil and then sealed my hair with shea butter. Besides moisturizing your hair to prevent breakage, I found it also important to NOT try and comb my hair unless it was wet and covered with conditioner. This definitely minimized any breakage at the new growth line.
What would you say is your hair type?
Anyone who knows me knows that I dislike "hair typing" because of how some people take it to mean that whatever products works for a person of their "hair type" automatically means that it will work for them - definitely not the case all the time! However, if I did have to place myself, I would say I'm all over the "4" category. My hair is tightly coiled, but there are definitely varying degrees throughout my entire head!
How did family and friends react to the new you? What was your response to them?
My friends and family were extremely supportive! In fact, a lot of my friends were natural so I would go to them whenever I had questions throughout my journey. My dad was the only one who took a while to get used to it, but it was more because I had like 1 inch of hair on my head, rather than the fact that it was natural,lol. I have to say there were "acquaintances" who would always come up to me and ask " what happened to all that beautiful LONG, FLOWING hair?" and I would smile and sweetly say, I cut it off ...simple as that! : )
What tips or tricks do you have to share with the transitioning ladies or the au naturale gals out there?
Well I'm always sharing tips on my site (, but I'll share one tip each for my transitioning chicas and the au naturale chicas.
Transitioning chicas: Whenever you feel yourself starting to get frustrated with your journey, don't be afraid to try a new style! Sometimes trying a new style can give you that extra boost of confidence to continue on with the journey. You'd be surprised at how many styles you can try while you're transitioning. From getting that super cute short cut as a precursor to your BC or a really fly two-strand twist really can't go wrong!
Au naturale chicas: I'm a newbie myself in this category, but one thing I've learned so far is the importance of retaining moisture in your hair. I've found that by using a water-based, oil-based and cream-based system, I can retain moisture in my hair and also promote its health. I personally like to use a water-based leave in conditioner (recently tried a homemade mixture of water,aloe vera juice, jojoba oil, lemon oil), an oil-blend (avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil, castor oil) and a homemade hair cream (shea butter/cocoa butter/coconut oil base). This has really helped to retain moisture and keep my hair healthy which has added to great growth retention!
This is Mae with one of her transitioning styles before she did her BC.
It is styled in two strand twists.
Once again, thank you so much for doing this feature Mae! She has a lot of information to share and a great personality as well! Please sub her page and follow her blog, she is also sings and creates music so check out her lovely music on her page!
Naturale Radiance
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