Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hair & Scalp: 5 Essential Oils That Make Your Life Easier

This article was written by Ms. B Sapphire (@sincerebeaute)

Hi Lovelies,

Going natural has definitely opened my eyes to new ways of treating my hair. For instance, I have eczema/Sebhorrheic dermatitis on my scalp and since I was trying new natural products, I wanted to get away from my steroid topical crèmes as well. I just thought to myself – there has to be a better way. So through research I have found different types of essential oils, extracts and treatments that I could use for my itchy, dry scalp. I have read how many naturals and relaxed hair lovelies have had problems with dry and itchy scalps and I have read that some people say you shouldn’t use oils at all because it will clog your pores. That last part is certainly NOT true. If you’re excessive with the amount of oils you put on your scalp, of course you’re going to look like a “grease monkey” and have heavy, weighed down hair. It all comes down to moderation and application for each individual person. This is just my 2 cents (well… actually silver dollar lol) of course. Below I have 5 essential oils/extracts that I use or have researched to help inform you all of the potentials for your hair and scalp.

Tea Tree - Tea tree oil is one of the best cleansing essential oils. It is extremely effective in protecting the skin from infection, as an antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal essential oil. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Clary Sage - Also an anti-inflammatory, this essential oil minimizes stress and anxiety, which are common triggers of eczema.

Frankincense - This is a wonderful healing essential oil; it has cleansing, antiseptic

Lavendar - Lavender is probably the most pertinent eczema essential oil. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, calming, and normalizing properties. It also supports immune health, and is extremely beneficial for alleviating stress.

Avocado Oil - it is an ideal ingredient for people with dehydrated, sun or climate damaged skin, as it is an extremely good moisturizing and nourishing compound, assisting in the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin. It also helps to relieve the dryness and itching of psoriasis and eczema.It is often used for clients with dry or mature skins, or people suffering from eczema or psoriasis, and is very useful when treating sun or climate damaged skin that is dehydrated and undernourished, as it is said to help with regenerating the skin and softening the tissue.

So, about every week or so I’ll add 5 more essential oils, extracts or treatments for the scalp and hair. And even if you don’t have my scalp conditions or dry, itchy scalp, you can try these oils out because it can promote healthy hair growth. Hope this information helps with promoting health hair and scalp and most importantly of all – a healthy you 

Always explore and discover,

B. Sapphire


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