A More Beautiful You: My Skin Regimen
Lately, I have been receiving many compliments on my skin, which I am attributing to my new skin regimen and some changes I've made in my lifestyle. So here I've decided to go ahead and share my regimen.
Mornings (Daily):
After or while I shower, I cleanse my face. I choose this time because the warm steam from your shower helps to open your pores making it easier to get out all the dirt and unknowns crowding your pores, YUCK!
1) I moisten my face and lather it with black soap.
2) I splash some water on my face and only rinse some of the suds off, not all!
3) I use Burt's Bees Citrus Scrub to gently scrub my face (yes, it is gentle enough for everyday use-and I have very sensitive skin)
4)I rinse both products off my face fully.
5) I then use a flat cotton beauty circle that I moisten with Witch Hazel and rub my face with this to remove excess dirt and kill any remaining bacteria. (I use a brand meant for face and body)
6) I apply NOW Brand Castor Oil with my hands (literally like a HALF a dime size is more then enough) Rub it on your hands to spread it then dab it around your face and spread.
7) This is where I would apply makeup if I'm wearing it that day - I let my castor oil sink in my skin for like 15 minutes.
-The reason I use castor oil is because it has been said to have slight acne fighting properties.
-I use witch hazel because it is a cheaper, less industrial grade astringent that has properties which are better for your skin than all of then leading brand toners.
-The citrus scrub I tried because I saw it in the store and it looked like it might help with my sudden change in facial chemistry. You can also make one at home with some lemons and sugar. I will make some when I run out of my last bottle of citrus scrub
At Night:
At night, whether I am wearing makeup or not, I simply rub my face off with baby wipes (sensitive). This cleans my face while remaining gentle AND simple. Sometimes I use a flat cotton pad with olive oil on it to wipe of makeup first and follow up with wipes. I then apply either olive oil or vaseline to my face in a thin layer. The vaseline most especially I apply to my lips LIBERALLY at night.
I used to do this when I was little to keep my lips from chapping. It worked wonders for my feet as well, way back when I could sleep in socks without being annoyed.
I do either a Queen Helene's Masque or a Bentonite Clay mask Bi-weekly as a deep cleaning treatment. I also do Honey Scrubs before the mask. There is a simple enough recipe for it which I will post later. I use the honey scrub to exfoliate my peeling lips, if they are in need of a more vigorous treatment.
Other Additions:
-I also take Cod Liver Oil which helps my skin look healthy, even and essentially flawless.
-Biotin also aids in my skins appearance- though some people do get break outs from taking Biotin- that's not everyone and you can change dosages or brands to decrease the occasional side effects of biotin.
-Drink loads of water. I try for at least 3liters a day. Those 1 liter smart water bottles are the best way to get all of your water in for the day.
My Super Cool New Headband!

Check it out!
No this I got from the dollar store today along with a number of other really cool items. I intend to use it when im doing hair treatments anywhere from a Dc, to a baggy over night, to henna or bentonite. It should catch and absorb the drippies! Cool right?? Its actually meant for applying make up i guess to keep you hair from falling in your face.
Great deal for only a buck!
Love, love,
The Damage Fake Hair and Braids Can Inflict!

Healthy Hair Tip #3: pH Balance Your Hair

Morning Divas!!!
I was in the Naturalmemedia chat last night and we began discussing conditioners and the harshness of products- which transitioned into a discussion on the pH balance of hair. I'm just going to write a bit about pH levels- which will not require you to go searching around and looking at pH levels with litmus paper. It just requires using a rinse after your wash sessions!!
Basic Info to know first:
The pH scale runs on a range of 0-14. The lower the pH- the more acidic the solution. The breaking point for the scale is 7, which is neutral (this is the pH level of pure water). Any pH over 7 is a basic solution. pH is the measure of the "potential of hydrogen." Dry hair does not have a pH!!!! Hair's ph ranges between 4.5 and 5.5 when in water. The sebum, which is the oil that our scalp naturally produces has about the same pH. Some products on the market are created to have a pH within a range similar to hair. Some conditioners are also designed to have lower pH then the hair- its generally acidic in state.
Working with the Basics:
As previously discusses pH between 7.1-14 is basic or alkaline. These Basic solutions open the cuticle layer of hair which allows moisture, protein, almost anything to get into your hair cuticles and touch your hair's core keratin strand. Think of your hair as your spin with the vertebrae around it- when the cuticle opens we are stretching the vertebrae apart and can access your spinal cord. This is the perfect time to add protein which will strengthen your strand (though some peoples hair HATES protein). IT is also the key time to add moisture so that your hair has a nice cool drink of water with a dose of lubricants to keep things working smoothly on the inside :)! Be careful because this is also the time that your hair can lose water or retain too much, or even worse the water can dissolve leaving behind residue such as salts or other mineral present in hard water which do NOT help your strands!!!!!
This is what the baking soda washes are used for by some people- as well as to clean your hair. On average, baking soda has a pH in the range of 8.3-9.0 and when mixed with water the pH is more around 8.2-8.8 depending on the proportions. This is because water is neutral (7). Hair would be left at that pH as well (8.2-8.8) which is why an acidic rinse would be necessary to leave the hair in its own pH range or in a slightly more acidic pH range which can help the hair.
I would NOT recommend the use of baking soda on your hair, unless you are looking to relax your curl pattern temporarily. It opens your cuticles and allows your hair to retain too much water, which can also be bad- imagine overfilling a balloon with air...(yeah not a great idea). Baking soda will also steal hydrogens from your hair which is bad- like carbon monoxide stealing oxygen from the air and your body- (which is also known as a silent killer). I think you get the idea- just try not to use it.
What pH should you aim for in the end?
The best pH level to leave your hair at is around 4.0-4.5 Though hair naturally has a pH of 4.5-5.5. The reason that the slightly lowered pH level is better is because it compacts the hair strand so that the cuticles are closed securely- leaving all the moisture and conditioning you did inside the hair strand. Acidifying hair can be one of the best things you do for your hair!!
1) It will add natural shine to your hair
2) It helps detangle and prevent knotting, because closed cuticles cannot grab on to other open cuticles!
3) Elasticity: the ability of your hair to move freely- in our case without snapping and being brittle. This treatment elevates the positive charge on your hair. ( negative charged ions cause frizz and static electricity). The positive charge brings the hydrogen bonds from a weak state (beta) to a strong state (alpha) and this improves elasticity because hydrogen bonds account for all of your hairs elasticity!!!!
4) Retains moisture!! Since the cuticle is snapped shut and compacted, all the conditioning and moisturizing you did will now remain inside the cuticle and not evaporate away.
Q: How can you achieve this pH level?
A: By Doing Acid the Healthy Way!
Acidic solutions do the opposite of Basics, closing the cuticle layer and allowing moisture to be retained. So Apple Cider Vinegar is the best way to get your pH at a level which keeps hair shafts closed. The way this works is ACV has a pH of 3.0 and an ACV rinse has a pH of about 4.0 ( I will test the proportions an pH later today so I can give you an exact pH to proportion measurement). The hair would likely be left at a pH of about 4.0 or so. This should be used as a final rinse for your hair to compact your cuticles some and seal in moisture.
Happy rinsing!!!
![www [dot] ceceUNedited [dot] com](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_IgQvEFKlW2Y/S8u_r1RFJsI/AAAAAAAAAK8/KG92BKUQw-Q/s320/chelsea+signature+REAL.png)
Mane and Chic!!
Be weather savvy and prepared. Check out your forecast and beauty forecast the night before. Some styles such as braid-outs and twist-outs will shrink up into fuzzy nothingness at the hint of humidity. There are some ingredients to look for that will help you survive humidity.
There is a classification of ingredient called humectants which draw moisture from the atmosphere and adds it to your hair. Some of those ingredients include glycerin, aloe vera, honey and more. These are not good for keeping your hair from frizzing and puffing, seeing as they take moisture from the air and insert it to your strands. However, there are ingredients such as silicones which help keep the hair strands smooth and block moisture from entering the hair strands. for those of you who are doing the Curly Girl method, Hydrolyzed wheat protein is a semi silicone which is water soluble, but should protect hair and work as a sort of anti humidity entity. Another type of ingredient is panthenol, this penetrates hair efficiently and thickens, moisturizes, and smooths hair strands. Finally, ingredients such as paraffinum liquidum and hydrolyzed silk protein help smooth hair and give it a silky, smooth feel and protect moisture from the atmosphere from frizzing up your tresses. Be sure when applying the products to your hair, that you smooth them into your strands so that it fully coats your hair!
Here are some anti humidity products I've used:
Frederic Fekkai Glossing Cream
*Note: Paraffinum liquidum is a form of mineral oil. The key about using paraffinum and silicones is that they keep moisture out of your hair. People become weary of using it, but if you use is properly and are aware of what it does and what you are using it for, it can be your friend. It works wonders against humidity and if you moisturize under it and use it as a sealant, you and your hair will both be happy! Knowledge is power and this is how you can learn to use even the most taboo of ingredients to your advantage! How's that for fighting back against humidity!!
Click here to go to weather.com to see your beauty forecast.
Panthenol: sci-toys.com/ingredients/panthenol.html
For humectants: dermatology.about.com/od/glossaryh/g/humectant.htm
For hydrolyzed silk protein: www.ingredientstodiefor.com/item.php?item_id=503
For paraffinum: environment.uk.msn.com/green-living/gallery.aspx?cp-documentid=9846072&imageindex=3
For hydrolyzed wheat protein: www.lotioncrafter.com/hydrolyzed-wheat_protein.html
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5 Tips to Healthier Hair: Tip #2- Deep Condition with the Triple Condition Method

This is a method I picked up when poking around on forums at LHCF.com. I have heard it referred to as the Reconditioning Method, I personally prefer to call it the Triple Condition Method (TCM). I started using this shortly after Miss Jessie's consultant told me my hair was dry and needed a DC, even though I had deep conditioned it the night before. With all that said, I do this weekly.
- Apply the DC to your hair in sections making sure to coat every hair strand. Detangle your conditioner saturated hair. It is best to put hair into 4, 6 or 8 sections of twists or braids after detangling (I prefer twists). I use a mixture I create with J.A.Y. Aubrey Organics Conditioner and some jojoba oil, aloe vera juice, olive oil and some Desert Essence Red Raspberry Conditioner.
So here's how I deep condition...
- Next, apply a plastic shower cap and sit under a Hair Therapy Wrap or conditioning heat cap or warm dryer for about 10-15 minutes.
- Take off your plastic cap and run your fingers over your head to feel for any dry spots, then apply more conditioner there and smooth it out. This is also the best time to apply more conditioner to breakage prone areas of your hair.
- Put your plastic cap on again and sit under the heat cap again for 10 minutes.
- Remove the plastic cap and apply more conditioner to weak spots such as your hairline and ends.
- Sit under heat cap or dryer w/plastic cap for the 3rd time for 10 minutes.
- Now smooth an oil of choice (I choose olive oil mixed with castor oil), on to your ends and throughout you hair to help seal the moisture in this time. This part is called an oil rinse.
- Then, rinse out your hair in the shower with more conditioner and detangle again lightly, under the showerhead.
- Finish with a cold water rinse to lock in the moisture. Then an ACV rinse, with proportions literally being one and a half teaspoons of ACV to 16oz water.
This is the method I use and I also apply a homemade/mixed leave in conditioner (kimmay tubes) after this, before styling.
Using heat with deep conditioning helps your hair cuticles to open up and allow the moisture in, the same methodology is used for your pores. The reason behind this continuous application of conditioner is to basically give your hair moisture until it is stuffed like a thanks giving day turkey and wont take anymore. The way you can tell that your hair has has its fill is when the conditioner is just sitting on top of your hair and not penetrating it. When your hair has had its fill you can rinse the rest out. If you intend to DC overnight, do the first 7 steps then in place of the 8th, go to sleep instead of rinsing it out of your hair.
So give the triple condition method a try and see if your hair is happier after this pampering session! I will post again about deep conditioning and some of the components of deep conditioner.
Thanx for reading and remember follow and comment!!

5 Tips to Healthier Hair: Tip #1- How to Reduce Pixie Knots

Trichonodosis is also known as One Strand Knots, Single Strand Knots, Fairy Knots, Pixie Knots and Peppercorn Knots. They are one of the most frequently occurring and annoying things about having naturally curly to kinky hair.
People tend to ignore them because they are so frequent with curly hair and difficult to get rid of if you have shorter hair. Over time, you begin to learn how to reduce them and get rid of them. So here are a couple of tricks I have picked up along the way...
- SHAMPOO YOUR SCALP ONLY! By shampooing the hair, more tangles are created leading to more knots, thus unless you must shampoo the hair directly, stick to just the scalp! Try to keep your shampoos to 1-2 times a month TOPS. Depending on your build up, sometimes applying the shampoo to your scalp as if it was grease while it is dry will help work out any extra build up on your scalp. Shampoo can strip old fragile ends which can cause more peppercorn knots! Also using latex gloves to rub your scalp helps keep from having snags with your nails in your hair.
- When detangling natural hair, gently start from the ends. Use wide tooth combs and finger combing together. Wide-tooth combs do not detangle natural hair fully and sometimes you have to put down the comb and use your trusty dusty fingers along with water and conditioner to dismantle a knot. Then, finally, go through small sections with a fine tooth comb, do this once a week at least with your deep conditioning treatment. The key to the attack is to try to attack the peppercorn knot when it’s loose rather than making it tighter with a comb. Detangling should take a LONG time to do, it is not done quickly and in a rush. Detangle as often as every other day or whenever you wet your hair, but keep in mind that a 100% detangle can only be done once or twice a week and takes loads of time.
- Protective styles and up dos. When deciding what styles to choose for your hair remember that wearing your hair up means that the hair is in a fixed position and is not forming knots with all of the other spiral hair strands. When your hair is left out that means that it’s freely moving around tangling with other hair, so if you keep it really moisturized, you can finger comb out loose knots that might have formed into tighter ones.
- Wrap up your hair at night and protect it while you sleeps. Hair that is free during the night will end up dry, tangled and knotted by the am. If you wear silk/satin bonnets or scarves to bed, as well as, braid, twist, bun or low ponytail your hair it will help keep it from coiling on itself and knotting as well as make it more comfortable for you to sleep. Additional benefits of some of these styles are that you wont have to detangle your hair in the morning and you won't wake up to a matted misshapen fro.
- Use a safety pin and put the needle right in the middle of the knot and gently loosen it- this generally only works for newer knots that haven't been pulled tight and for people will longer hair, so that you can see the strands in the back as you unravel the knots.
- Moisturize your hair in the morning and at night before bed. Use a moisturizer with loads of moisturizing natural ingredients such as water, glycerin, and hydrolyzed ingredients such as protein. Add oils as a sealant to keep in the moisture also make sure that your hair is thoroughly moisturized before you do this. Hair that is moisturized thoroughly is less unruly and less likely to for knots.
- Keep your hair in protective styles, minimize wash and gos because those foster one strand knots. Letting your hair dry as it stands straight out from your head causes these knots. Some of these styles include twists, braids, braid outs, twist outs, rod sets, straw sets or roller sets. If you set your ends in rollers with end papers it will further fight against one strand knot formation. Although summer is the prime wash and go season, you will need curb this habit and take more care and pay more attention to your hair if you want to keep it healthy!
- Deep condition or use deep treatments on your hair weekly and really focus on taking care of your ends. Also twist or braid your hair when you are deep conditioning for extended periods (i.e more then 5 minutes). As a good rule of measure, if you simply co-wash and wash your hair in sections and twist those sections while you work on others, you will also reduce peppercorn knots!
- Use a method called oil rinsing. This is where you oil hair that is wet and has conditioner in it in order to seal the moisture in your hair. One way is to deep condition, apply oil and use a heat cap or wear the treatment overnight. Another way is to shampoo, oil, condition and rinse the hair. This makes the hair easier to detangle and prevents knots and matting.
- Stay away from cotton towels and microfiber towels. I never ever use any towels or cotton on my hair, including the microfiber that everyone raves about. If you take your hand when its dry and in need of lotion, and run you hand against the microfiber towels, you will feel the snags and feel how much it clings to your dry hands, it does the same thing only WORSE to your hair. I would recommend using a pillow case or a t-shirt to dry your hair and place a towel on top of it to absorb the extra moisture. Towels snag on curly, coily and kinky hair, causing split ends and those pixie knots.
- Smooth your hair like you are flat ironing it with your fingers! Before styling or setting your hair and WHILE you style it, run your fingers down sections of your hair as if you are flat ironing your hair between your fingers. Whenever I use a product for curl defining I use my smoothing technique and literally run my fingers through my hair until I feel the product making my strands smooth. This will reduce frizz, stretch, smooth and also lessen the chances of getting knots. I also helps with curl definition depending on the hair styling product you are using.
- REDUCE HIH (hand in hair syndrome)….Keep your hands out of your hair!!! Messing with your hair too much can will scratch the cuticle, causes frizziness and can lead to split or splitting ends and pixie knots. Also putting your hands in your hair frequently introduces more bacteria to your hair which can cause slower hair growth.
- And of course the best way to heal strands with pixie knots is to trim them, better yet search and destroy. So cut the knots close to your ends with a pair of hair shears. If some of the knots are too high up on your hair strand you may not want to cut them, which is understandable. Keep in mind that if you straighten you hair they will be more noticeable.
- To keep from an unlucky 13 steps… I will say give your precious strands lots of TLC to keep them healthy and happy.
Good Luck Ladies!!
love, love,
![www [dot] ceceUNedited [dot] com](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_IgQvEFKlW2Y/S8u_r1RFJsI/AAAAAAAAAK8/KG92BKUQw-Q/s320/chelsea+signature+REAL.png)
Beads, Braids, & Beyond: Curlformers Styling Kit Giveaway!
Length Check and Hair Goal

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Fashion loves!
![www [dot] ceceUNedited [dot] com](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_IgQvEFKlW2Y/S8u_r1RFJsI/AAAAAAAAAK8/KG92BKUQw-Q/s320/chelsea+signature+REAL.png)
Hair Tip #1: Protein Types and Hair
As promised, here is a little bit of info regarding various protein types and how it affects your hair. Hair itself is made up of protein, specifically keratin. Your nails are also made of the same protein. Deficiency in protein can cause hair to lose its elasticity and strength, and processes like relaxers and heat styling can cause a loss of protein in the hair.
People use protein treatments to improve the strength of the hair and the elasticity. Elasticity is important because that dictates how far your can stretch the hair out of its coil or curl before it snaps. If it is brittle and weak you will not be able to stretch it far or brush or comb your hair much before it snaps off, leaving you with split ends and loss of length.
As it is, natural blakc hair tends to be very dry, sometimes brittle and often fragile. Once again, intensive chemical services cause their hair to be even more weak. By using protein treatments or protein conditioners one can improve the state of their hair. BE SURE TO CONDITION PROPERLY AFTERWARD, ACTUALLY JUST GO AHEAD AND DEEP CONDITION AFTER A MASSIVE PROTEIN TREATMENT. If you are doing something short like the aPHogee 2-minute Keratin Reconstructor, you only need to condition after ward and let the conditioner stay on your hair for maybe 5 minutes or more
Also please know that each protein has a different affect on your hair, here are some examples:
Silk Protein - Silk is the strongest natural fibers and has very small molecules that can penetrate the hair shaft. It is excellent for deep conditioning as it's known to soften the hair.
Hydrolyzed Keratin Protein - The protein has been broken down so it can penetrate all layers of the hair better and as such is excellent for deep conditioning. It also keeps the hair pliable and strong.
Vegetable Protein (like avocado) - This absorbs more easily into the hair without leaving any build up on the hair shaft.
Wheat Protein - Used in many conditioning products, this is a moisturizing and strengthening protein which also improves the hair's ability to maintain moisture levels.
Collagen Protein - This increases the elasticity of the hair.
[source for protein descriptions: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1230875/why_does_black_hair_need_protein_treatments.html]
hope this helps!! please enjoy healthy, natural hair!
![www [dot] ceceUNedited [dot] com](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_IgQvEFKlW2Y/S8u_r1RFJsI/AAAAAAAAAK8/KG92BKUQw-Q/s320/chelsea+signature+REAL.png)
Avocado Hair StrengtheningTreatment

Hello Ladies!
So I gave myself an Avocado hair treatment a few weeks ago. I wanted mine to be more fortifying than conditioning so here are the ingredients I used:
3/4 of Haas Avocado
1 Egg
3tbs Olive Oil (appx.)
2tbs bottled water (appx.)
2tbs REAL Mayonnaise (heaping)
This is the recipe I created myself. It was AMAZING. The next time I do it I will take photos. I recorded the creation so that video will be up soon. I put it on moistened hair, not shampooed. Mine was a bit too runny.
The results were:
Soft, slightly loosened curl (temporary), manageable, less tangled hair. I loved this treatment, I will be trying to stick myself to doing it at least twice a month and on the off weeks maybe do an egg protein treatment. My hair is very thin, as in the actually strands so that is why I am putting so much protein in it. I will do a post about protein treatments tomorrow.
Also, keep in mind the posting I did on protein shakes was not just about fitness, it also helps to take whey protein shakes for your hair.
Also please note that not every person's hair will like Avocado, my best friend tried it on her hair and hers felt brittle and dry after words. Try it first and see if your hair likes it, then you'll know if you want to make it a staple or not.
Love love!
![www [dot] ceceUNedited [dot] com](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_IgQvEFKlW2Y/S8u_r1RFJsI/AAAAAAAAAK8/KG92BKUQw-Q/s320/chelsea+signature+REAL.png)
It seems I've accidentally deleted a huge chunk of my post. I am so upset, but its okay. I don't have copies of my work on my computer, but I will just continue posting and moving forward :-/.
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Blog Archive
- A More Beautiful You: My Skin Regimen
- My Super Cool New Headband!
- The Damage Fake Hair and Braids Can Inflict!
- Healthy Hair Tip #3: pH Balance Your Hair
- A Transitioning Style
- Mane and Chic!!
- 5 Tips to Healthier Hair: Tip #2- Deep Condition w...
- 5 Tips to Healthier Hair: Tip #1- How to Reduce Pi...
- Beads, Braids, & Beyond: Curlformers Styling Kit G...
- Length Check and Hair Goal
- Fashion loves!
- Bloglovin!
- Hair Tip #1: Protein Types and Hair
- Avocado Hair StrengtheningTreatment