Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Length Check and Hair Goal

Hey loves!

Here is my length check post. I do not have photos that I can find of a length check I did when I first cut my hair, however I do have an idea of how long it was in the same respective points that I measured today. I know when I cut my hair originally it was about 4 inches long. When my hair is no longer in twists I will do a measurement.

For the record I had just woken up at 6:30am on Monday... smh my bang length to the tip of my nose.

The side of my head to the middle of my neck.

The lowest part of my hair at my nape that extends to my clavicle (collar bone).

Attempting to take a photo if it on my back.... FAIL

That is all for now, please check out my FOTKI!! I think I am going to post soon about a hair goal challenge. I have been reading on LHCF (long hair care forum) and tweeting about accelerating hair growth, so I am going to be setting a goal soon. My hair currently grows at .5" per month.

Speak to you later loves!!

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