5 Tips to Healthier Hair: Tip #2- Deep Condition with the Triple Condition Method

This is a method I picked up when poking around on forums at LHCF.com. I have heard it referred to as the Reconditioning Method, I personally prefer to call it the Triple Condition Method (TCM). I started using this shortly after Miss Jessie's consultant told me my hair was dry and needed a DC, even though I had deep conditioned it the night before. With all that said, I do this weekly.
- Apply the DC to your hair in sections making sure to coat every hair strand. Detangle your conditioner saturated hair. It is best to put hair into 4, 6 or 8 sections of twists or braids after detangling (I prefer twists). I use a mixture I create with J.A.Y. Aubrey Organics Conditioner and some jojoba oil, aloe vera juice, olive oil and some Desert Essence Red Raspberry Conditioner.
So here's how I deep condition...
- Next, apply a plastic shower cap and sit under a Hair Therapy Wrap or conditioning heat cap or warm dryer for about 10-15 minutes.
- Take off your plastic cap and run your fingers over your head to feel for any dry spots, then apply more conditioner there and smooth it out. This is also the best time to apply more conditioner to breakage prone areas of your hair.
- Put your plastic cap on again and sit under the heat cap again for 10 minutes.
- Remove the plastic cap and apply more conditioner to weak spots such as your hairline and ends.
- Sit under heat cap or dryer w/plastic cap for the 3rd time for 10 minutes.
- Now smooth an oil of choice (I choose olive oil mixed with castor oil), on to your ends and throughout you hair to help seal the moisture in this time. This part is called an oil rinse.
- Then, rinse out your hair in the shower with more conditioner and detangle again lightly, under the showerhead.
- Finish with a cold water rinse to lock in the moisture. Then an ACV rinse, with proportions literally being one and a half teaspoons of ACV to 16oz water.
This is the method I use and I also apply a homemade/mixed leave in conditioner (kimmay tubes) after this, before styling.
Using heat with deep conditioning helps your hair cuticles to open up and allow the moisture in, the same methodology is used for your pores. The reason behind this continuous application of conditioner is to basically give your hair moisture until it is stuffed like a thanks giving day turkey and wont take anymore. The way you can tell that your hair has has its fill is when the conditioner is just sitting on top of your hair and not penetrating it. When your hair has had its fill you can rinse the rest out. If you intend to DC overnight, do the first 7 steps then in place of the 8th, go to sleep instead of rinsing it out of your hair.
So give the triple condition method a try and see if your hair is happier after this pampering session! I will post again about deep conditioning and some of the components of deep conditioner.
Thanx for reading and remember follow and comment!!

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I will definitely be trying this method! I will post my review of it on my blog!
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