Friday, July 30, 2010

A More Beautiful You: My Skin Regimen

Hey Ladies!

Lately, I have been receiving many compliments on my skin, which I am attributing to my new skin regimen and some changes I've made in my lifestyle. So here I've decided to go ahead and share my regimen.

Mornings (Daily):

After or while I shower, I cleanse my face. I choose this time because the warm steam from your shower helps to open your pores making it easier to get out all the dirt and unknowns crowding your pores, YUCK!

1) I moisten my face and lather it with black soap.

2) I splash some water on my face and only rinse some of the suds off, not all!

3) I use Burt's Bees Citrus Scrub to gently scrub my face (yes, it is gentle enough for everyday use-and I have very sensitive skin)

4)I rinse both products off my face fully.

5) I then use a flat cotton beauty circle that I moisten with Witch Hazel and rub my face with this to remove excess dirt and kill any remaining bacteria. (I use a brand meant for face and body)

6) I apply NOW Brand Castor Oil with my hands (literally like a HALF a dime size is more then enough) Rub it on your hands to spread it then dab it around your face and spread.

7) This is where I would apply makeup if I'm wearing it that day - I let my castor oil sink in my skin for like 15 minutes.

-The reason I use castor oil is because it has been said to have slight acne fighting properties.
-I use witch hazel because it is a cheaper, less industrial grade astringent that has properties which are better for your skin than all of then leading brand toners.
-The citrus scrub I tried because I saw it in the store and it looked like it might help with my sudden change in facial chemistry. You can also make one at home with some lemons and sugar. I will make some when I run out of my last bottle of citrus scrub

At Night:

At night, whether I am wearing makeup or not, I simply rub my face off with baby wipes (sensitive). This cleans my face while remaining gentle AND simple. Sometimes I use a flat cotton pad with olive oil on it to wipe of makeup first and follow up with wipes. I then apply either olive oil or vaseline to my face in a thin layer. The vaseline most especially I apply to my lips LIBERALLY at night.

I used to do this when I was little to keep my lips from chapping. It worked wonders for my feet as well, way back when I could sleep in socks without being annoyed.


I do either a Queen Helene's Masque or a Bentonite Clay mask Bi-weekly as a deep cleaning treatment. I also do Honey Scrubs before the mask. There is a simple enough recipe for it which I will post later. I use the honey scrub to exfoliate my peeling lips, if they are in need of a more vigorous treatment.

Other Additions:
-I also take Cod Liver Oil which helps my skin look healthy, even and essentially flawless.

-Biotin also aids in my skins appearance- though some people do get break outs from taking Biotin- that's not everyone and you can change dosages or brands to decrease the occasional side effects of biotin.

-Drink loads of water. I try for at least 3liters a day. Those 1 liter smart water bottles are the best way to get all of your water in for the day.

www [dot] ceceUNedited [dot] com


vonnie said...

that sounds like a good regimen and doable!

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