Henna for your Hair
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Naturale Spotlight: Yirssi

![www [dot] ceceUNedited [dot] com](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_IgQvEFKlW2Y/S8u_r1RFJsI/AAAAAAAAAK8/KG92BKUQw-Q/s320/chelsea+signature+REAL.png)
Tag: My Top 5 Products!!
I've made a video consisting of my top 5 products which I will link to this posting as soon as I put it on youtube.
#1 Coconut oil!
It is divine. It is a lighter oil so it doesn't weigh down hair and it penetrates both the scalp and the hair shaft quickly and helps moisturize the scalp and hair. It also strengthens the hair strands. Coconut oil has both anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, while also being rich in vitamins and minerals. It helps the hair form losing protein and it helps to keep the scalp moisturized and improve circulation is rubbed on the scalp 3 times a week. It helps to re-grow hair and keep it from breaking. It is a very effective daily conditioner. It helps heal the pimples that some people get on their heads and helps to sooth irritation.
#2 Herbal Essences Hello Hydration (HEHH*)
This stuff is amazing. It moisturizes my hair so well and makes it feel super DUPER soft. I use it as my co-washing conditioner. I use it as my 'cleansing conditioner'- that is the conditioner I use in place of shampoo for a co-wash. I also use it as my 'conditioner conditioner' which is the stpe a conditioner normally falls into. I detangle with it in. I will make a video of one of my co-washing regimens soon!
I then follow up with my Organix Coconut Milk conditioner as a leave-in conditioner because i LOVE the scent!
Give it a try and see if you like the conditioner. There is a 12 oz. available and sometimes its on sale so maybe wait for a sale and purchase it so its not a huge investment. It generally runs for like 5-8 dollars for the 23.7 oz and less for the 12 oz.
#3 Giovanni's Smooth as Silk Deep Moisture Conditioner!!!! :D
This would be my number two product if I was willing to use it as liberally as my HEHH*. Since it isnt quite as cheap per ounce for this product I use it as my cleansing conditioner, my conditioner conditioner or my leave in conditioner. But I only use it for one of those steps.
This stuf feels amazing going on your hair. You would never believe something could feel so angelic on your strands until you've sat through the 'Silky Experience.' It made my curls orgasm with happiness. The portions of my hair that are 100% natural had definition without product or water in my hair. When it dried the definition was still there. I had also done an ACV rinse for the first time 2 dyas before, it could have been the mixture of both, but I am sure that after the ACV rinse my curls werent coiling together with their sister curls this way so its deifnitely Giovanni's miracle conditioner. This is definitely my holy grail conditioner.
Keep in mind everyones hair likes something different. Mine happens to like that conditioner. Give it a try, see fi maybe it goes on sale. It can be found at Rite Aid, Ulta, Vitamin Shoppe, and other organic stores, probably whole foods as well.
#4 Shea Butter
Shea butter is amazing for just about everything hair and skin wise. It is great for moisturizing and for keeping moizturing. Its a wonderful sealer for skin and hair. It is great to also even skin tone. Its great for resotring the luster to your hair and fore dry scalp. It is good for eczema and as protection from the sun. It helps with dry skin and itching due to dryness. Shea butter has many uses, so give it a try!!
I use this in place of clarifying shampoos. I no longer use shampoo unless im trying something out for a friend or something. I might use one every month and a half just to use up the shampoo I have left so its not going to waste.
ACV is the bomb! I have an article on it already right HERE!! I also heard from my lovely twin Jacqueline on K-I-S-S that it can be used to cure yeast infections, to help fight against and get rid of ingrown hairs, to balance the pH of your skin and it can get rid of soap residue among many other things!
Give it a try, its very cheap maybe 1.65 for a 16oz and worse comes to worse if you don't like it you can use it to disinfect meat or your toilet bowl.
Thanx so much for reading!!
I'd like to tag every and anyone who wants to post their top 5 products. I would LOVE to hear about different products I've never tried or to hear that someone shares the same passion for some of my 5 products.
![www [dot] ceceUNedited [dot] com](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_IgQvEFKlW2Y/S8u_r1RFJsI/AAAAAAAAAK8/KG92BKUQw-Q/s320/chelsea+signature+REAL.png)
Naturale Spotlight: Mae
Once again, thank you so much for doing this feature Mae! She has a lot of information to share and a great personality as well! Please sub her page and follow her blog, she is also sings and creates music so check out her lovely music on her page!
Low Priced Coconut Oil
The Vitamin Shoppe online is selling a 54oz of coconut oil for 21.09 and with the Super Saver shipping it totals to 24.08. That is not a bad price fr coconut oil. It is measured in solid ounces, but soild ounces are roughly the same as fluid ounces per a conversion chart I looked up.
It is Nutiva USDA certified Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. For those of you who use coconut oil religiously or frequently, this is not a bad buy it will last you for months!!
Nutiva USDA Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
The special is only available on the web.
Naturale Radiance
7 Month Anniversary!!

I am so excited!! :) I've been thinking and I may possibly only transition for 9 months. I think cutting my hair at the beginning of March would be just in time for Spring and I'll have a great amount of growth. I am so ready to be able to play with and see my natural hair instead of having to style it according to was my relaxed hair can do. I love that when my hair is natural it can be curly, coily, springy whatever! I love that its different everyday. I style my hair like every 3 days anyway just because I want to have something new.
I recently became the natural hair stylist and consultant for my family. I am like a sponge and I'm thirsty for knowledge! I tend to have a lot to say about hair and everything related to it.
Hair Recipe #2: Honey in your Hair!!

Honey: For hair, honey is very restorative naturally. It can be used as a natural and healthy means for restoring hair and for hair that is thinning or falling-out. Honey can also be used to help with baldness and adding shine to dull hair.
Honey is definitely a super food that comes up with many more uses than just a tea sweetener. IT is rich in antioxidants and antimicrobials and has many uses for the skin on your body and face. Here are a few recipes for your hair and skin that will leave you with a Naturale Radiance and soft, full hair.
Honey Hair Shine
You'll need:
2 tsp Honey
4 cups warm water
This is a leave in treatment to be applied after shampooing and conditioning. First, microwave the honey for a few seconds so its easier to mix. Next, combine the honey and water, mix well. Finally, apply to your hair after shampooing and conditioning. This is a leave in treatment, so there will be no need to rinse. Dry your hair and style your as usual.
Honey Pre-Poo Treatment
You'll need:
1 c Honey
1/2 c Olive Oil (use 1/4 cup if you hair is on the oily side)
Honey can increase the health of your hair follicles and scalp simultaneously. First, you will combine the ingredients of the mixture together. Next you massage it onto your scalp and let it rest there for a half hour. After the 30 minutes is up, you wash your hair as usual.
Here are two other hair recipes, which I came across on eHow.com…
Honey My Hair's Back!
You'll need:
1 tsp. Honey
1 tsp. Olive oil
2 tsp. Water
This mixture is said to help correct hair loss and/or baldness. First, you mix the honey, olive oil and water to make a paste. Then, you massage themixture onto the areas needing it the most, such as the thinned and/or hairless spots. You should do this before you go to bed and leave the mixture in over night. In the morning, wash your hair as usual and use this treatment regularly at night.
Another version of a similar recipe, which is meant to be washed out is…
Honey It's Growing!
You'll need:
1 tsp Heated Olive Oil
1 tsp. Honey
1tsp. Cinnamon
The mixture is applied to your scalp 5-15 minutes before washing your hair. Wash and style as usual.
I have not tried these last 2 recipes as of yet, I don’t have balding spots, but I recently found someone who is willing to let me try this on them to see if it works. I will let you all know.
-Hair loss recipes courtesy of eHow.com
I hope you all can see the benefits of honey, soon I will also post some honey scrub recipes for you all to try. I'll include one now that can help with dry, chapped lips during the winter.
Honey Lip Scrub
You'll need:
1 tsp Honey
1/2 tsp sugar (I have only used white sugar, but other people said brown sugar is great too)
Simply combine the mixture in your hand or in a container, your can mix it with your finger or a small spoon. When finished mixing, you simply apply it to your lips and rub on them for roughly 3 minutes or so making sure to scrub your entire lip. Then rinse off the mixture and be sure to moisturize you lips.
This recipe is meant to exfoliate your lips and slough off the dry dead skin that peels off of your lips. I use this mixture every few weeks when I feel my lips are chapped. Feel free to add your own variations onto it, lip perhaps adding olive oil or something. I haven't tried it, but it may be a good experiment.
So, if there is one thing you should be sure to include on your grocery list this week, its HONEY!! Give these recipes a try, also look around on line and see what other homemade recipes there are using honey. Let me know how these recipes works our for you all. Leave comments on any hair recipes you may have involving honey or any other naturale ingredients!
Naturale Radiance
Giovanni Smooth as Silk Deep Moisture Conditioner (SASC)

Can I just say this product is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!! When I first put it in my hair if felt so nice and smooth and just glorious. Now, I'm not sure if this had anything to do with the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse I did the day before. I do believe though, that it had nothing to do with the ACV. My hair felt like pure SILK!!!!
I did not use shampoo in my hair when I used the Giovanni SASC, I had done an ACV rinse the day before, so it was unnecessary, this was simply a co-wash. I applied it to my hair after fully saturating my hair with water and rubbed it into my hair in sections. I concentrated on my roots and then I detangled it with a wide tooth comb. I let it stay in my hair for roughly 3 minutes then rinsed it out.
After I put the Giovanni Smooth As Silk Conditioner in I used Organix Coconut Milk Conditioner as a leave in conditioner.
This stuff is like heaven... its like the clouds that line heaven are your hair.It retails for roughly $7-9. I bought it at a BOGO sale so it was half off.
Ulta sells it as well as Rite Aide and Pathmark.
Here are the ingredients:
*Certified Organic
Did you SEEE the ingredients! Some of them are amazing and edible! The shampoo is rumored to be just as amazing, as well the shampoo has vegetable protein in it so if your hair or skin has isues with protein, then maybe you shouldn't use this product.
Here is a video I went and found just so people have a video to reference for a hair washing process with Giovanni SAS until I have one up myself. This video is done by the lovely Kimmaytube. Subscribe!! :)
Naturale Radiance
Homemade Hair Recipe #1: Clarify with Apple Cider Vinegar!

Hello my Radiant Naturales!
It's time to talk about hair clarification. Though many people use shampoos as their clarifying substance, there are other methods that a person can use to clarify their hair.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is one way to clarify your hair and clean it with out having to use a shampoo. Most clarifying shampoos are too drying, apple cider vinegar is less drying and also cheaper. You only need to rinse with it once, so it is also less time consuming. It can also reduce frizziness in your lovely curls. The way it should be done is with 1 part ACV and 3 parts water. So you can use 1cup ACV with 3cups of water. You should mix this beforehand in a container so its ready to go in the shower or whenever you wash your hair. PLEASE do not use just ACV straight on your hair, because it is very strong in terms of scent and if even the diluted version gets in your eyes it stings. The ACV scent will subside as you wash your hair further.
When I do the rinse I pour half of it in my hair after saturating my hair with water and rub it around my scalp some. I scratch my scalp lightly. Do not scratch it too roughly because it will start to irritate your skin. I leave it in for roughly 3 minutes and rinse out, then i pour in the rest and rub it around like a normal shampoo and rinse. I do mine in two parts just because I want to get secondary buildup I may have. You are free to do what ever method you choose.
You should also rinse with cool water after the ACV rinse. Some people also like to shampoo first then do an ACV rinse. I have been on a kick where I'm trying all naturale products and trying to stay away from the commercial hair products.
Curlychronicles has a youtube video showing how she used the ACV rinse.
IsisCold also has a video where she reviews the ACV rinse.
Please go visit these lovely ladies channels and Subscribe!!! :)
Naturale Radiance
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