Thursday, January 21, 2010

Naturale Spotlight: Yirssi

<--(big chop)

Share your transitioning story!:

Well, I wasn't patient enough to transition! I had my last relaxer in August of 2009. I remember that I purposefully didn't tell my friend, who was relaxing my hair, how much it truly itched, because I wanted it to be as straight as possible after it was done. I had scabs for weeks after. Shortly after, I read a NY Times article about black women's hair, and although I'm not black (I'm Dominican) the article resonated with me. About a week later I began a blog called Breaking The Glass Ceilings, and wrote a post called Good Hair, that was inspired by Chris Rock's movie. After I wrote this post I thought long and hard about the reasons why I wouldn't go natural. And really, the only reason was because I was afraid of what people in my community would say, or think. I don't ever don't do something just because of other people, and I wasn't going to start letting people dictate what I do with my hair. And thus began my transitioning program. I researched up and down, read blogs, looked at pics, and when it came time to go to the hair salon to re-relax my hair I realized I wouldn't be patient enough to deal with curly hair, and straight hair at once. So instead, on Oct. 31 2009 I got my BC. I blogged about what it was like to get the BC, too.

(with relaxed hair)

When did you BC? What was your initial reaction to your newly au naturale hair?

I BC on Oct. 31 2009. I loved it. In a way I feel like letting go of my relaxed hair helped me let go of all my fears. If I could take such a bold, public, obvious step even though I was extremely afraid of the outcome, I can face other, smaller fears, too.

Why did you choose to go naturale?

My hair was completely damaged. I wanted to give it a fresh start.

Were you a long term or short term transitioner, and why?

Short term. I was too impatient to wait!

What do you wish you knew before you went natural?

How liberating it is. And how easy it is to just wash n go!

(1 month after BC)

What was your transitioning routine?
Before the BC I did a lot of Bantu knot-outs.

What would you say is your hair type?

A little 3C, but mostly 4A

How did family and friends react to the new you? What was your response to them?

I'm taking this straight off my blog post:

"The reactions vary mostly generationally and racially. My generation is mostly saying "you cut your hair. Oh. Wow," and trying to obviously not say something negative. (Although a number of people have been supportive on Facebook).
The next generation (in their 30's and forth) seems to love it. Everyone seems to give me a genuine "I love it!"
But this stops with the few Hispanic people I've showed it to. It doesn't seem like any Hispanic that I've showed it to so far likes it, and I've gotten a number of "Don't worry! Hair grows back!" Although everyone seems to understand that I cut it to start anew, since I want to go back to natural. All in all, the comments haven't been as negative as I expected. So I guess that's a good thing!"

Also, just last week my aunt, who hadn't seen my cut, said "I can't believe you cut all your pretty hair!"

My response to them... I was just so happy with my BC, that I honestly didn't care about what anyone thought, or said!

What tips or tricks do you have to share with the transitioning ladies or the au naturale gals out there?

Even after getting the BC you have to protect your hair with the right products, and with a satin bonnet or scarf at night. Also, co-washing is the bomb!

Thanks so much Yirssi for doing this spotlight!! You all should go check out her blog, its great! She is a wonderful person and friend and also extremely intelligent and well versed on a variety of topics! Here are the links to her sites!

love love!!

www [dot] ceceUNedited [dot] com


Nicole said...

Your hair is lovely in a TWA. It's nice that your family has been mostly supportive. I just BC as well. My last relaxer was also August of 2009. Good luck to you and I will go onto your site and become a follower. For some reason the library will not allow me access to that feature.

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